
 Welcome to my weather page!

Hello everyone! 

My name is Aidan Cera, I am an undergraduate meteorology student at Saint Cloud State University, MN who has been passionate about weather for as long as I can remember. I have just finished my second year of studies at SCSU, and figured it would be cool to start sharing my interest of weather with others who may be interested as well. 

First off, if you are reading this, I want to thank you for being here. Your support means a lot! Whether you become a frequent follower of this page or not, I want to thank you for taking the time to check it out!

Second, I figure I should go a little into what exactly will be covered on this blog. I spend the majority of my time in Wisconsin and Minnesota, and make frequent localized forecasts for central Minnesota and southeastern Wisconsin, so these areas will be be my primary forecasting regions. The icons I use for weather forecasting are The Weather Channel's old weather icons that have been out of use for years, but I want to give credit to where credit is due!!!! I will also cover severe weather events elsewhere across the United States including tornado outbreaks, hurricanes, snowstorms etc. I generally plan to dabble in everything on this blog to broaden my horizons a bit!

Third, and most important, I am not a professional! The thoughts in these posts are mine alone, any decision making should come down to what the National Weather Service, National Hurricane Center or another trusted forecasting agency has to say on matters. Please consult these services when making any decisions!!!!!!! I still have lots to learn when it comes to meteorology past the basic principles. Even as I continue to learn, I will do my best to explain phenomena in the most clear and concise way as possible. Meteorology gets fairly complicated at times, it is always changing and adapting and that is perhaps the hardest part of forecasting. However, it is something that I love doing nonetheless, and I strongly look forward to posting cool weather tidbits here about local and national weather.

Lastly, most if not all of my information will come from the National Weather Service, the National Hurricane Center, the Storm Prediction Center, the Weather Prediction Center, various other National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration branch websites, tropicaltidbits.com by Dr. Levi Cowan, and cyclonicwx.com by Alex Boreham. It is definitely worth paying these websites a visit when you have any free time to do so! 

I want to thank you again for visiting my page and I hope that it provides useful and interesting information to all who view it! 




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